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RE: Injector Duty cycle calculations

Ya .3* bsfc is hard.....really hard..
I was running roughly .476......
Seen some 2bl carbs for cascar series street stock at .39~.41...
That was allot of time and r&D.......
Mike Rolica
Plant A,
Magnesium Products Division

(519)-245-4040  Ext. 244

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Bruce Plecan [SMTP:nacelp@bright.net]
	Sent:	Sunday, July 23, 2000 11:44 PM
	To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
	Subject:	Re: Injector Duty cycle calculations

	> I believe (if I remember right) having a run from a 94+ LT1 where
	> changed from SEFI operation to batch fire at a certain RPM and
	> It was all in the same run, and appeared to change, and knowing
	> it may be rigged to report it always as batch fire, and his
	> may just be permanently open at those kind of rpms, I don't think
	> could be getting by with only 10-11 ms out of 20.   The motor as
	> described would have somewhere around 410hp at the rear wheels,
	> probably about 450hp at the motor.
	> 450 / 8 = 56.25 lb of fuel per injector.

	No that's HP / cyl.  or about 28 lbs per hr at .5

	> 24 / 56.25 = 0.42 BSFC (which is dooable).

	Not really.  .45 alot takes work

	> (24 * .9) / 56.25 = .384 (which is probably also dooable).

	Only .38s I seen accurately reported were bikes DOHC 4 valve per
cyl..  And
	again by the best tuners

	> Given that after I leaned mine out, my motor got a bit hot when
	> running WOT for long periods of time (RR, 20 minute sessions), I
	> almost believe GM is running things excessively rich to offset not
	> having enough cooling system.

	Nope,  bet ya it's about having enough correction with out major BL
? Int
	numbers to go for the EPA testing.  Last thing they'd so is risk
motors over
	radiators.  Also, richer is alot cheaper warranty wise then lean.

	  Mine was not lean enough to be
	> knocking, but it was a huge amount leaner than stock.
	> Roger
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