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RE: Injector Duty cycle calculations
Oh.. this is not on my truck... this is race engines..
My truck was horrible from idle too 3000 where the cam started to work
My bsfc were around .475 from 3000 till 4000 then they started to climb..
and go goofy.. bounce around..
Mike Rolica
Plant A,
Magnesium Products Division
(519)-245-4040 Ext. 244
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Plecan [SMTP:nacelp@bright.net]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 12:17 PM
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: Injector Duty cycle calculations
> and how wide of range did it run, a
> band of a couple hundred rpm or several thousand?.
> Usually 5500 to 7500
Uhmm, this was with the 165??
> Yes and can change in less than an hour... seen where engine was
> running .39.. then set valve lash..
> Had storm fron coming in.. next pull it ran .45's.....john playe
> with carb.. got it back down to .40~.41...
Weather and a relash, and stuff changed that much?. That is toooo
edge by a long run for a street motor, and that rate, you could melt
a motor
by carrying a passenger, and pulling a long grade.
> I agree... seem they have problems with exaust valves:-)... run
> really hot...
Lean is watching the greenish sparks in the exhuast, and just
knowing that's
the exhuast valves leaving thru the ports (short primary pipes
needed to see this). Say a ---- one time dump sparks thru the
once. Hehehe, I won, he had a miss afterwards.
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