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Re: Kwarm Kickdown Enabled??
On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 15:07:23 -0400, Mike Rolica
<mrolica@meridian-mag.com> wrote:
>How many alias do ya have gar???
>Plain ole gar..
You mean, the ole Nom des Plooms? You'll be sorry; but then Mike, maybe
you already are 'sorry'. :)
Garano de Bergerac (you'd have to observe the preponderance of my
proboscus to appreciate that one; "filthy beast" if you have to ask
which proboscus :)
Garputz (oft handy and soooo succinct)
Garfish (actually a real type of fish, altho mostly used in derogation
by others to imply "dood, you smell")
Garibaldy (little imagination needed there; I insist apriori that small
children refer to me as Uncle Garibaldy. That way when their parents
inevitably catch them making fun of my magnificently polished cranial
vault, they can claim "prior art" and "prior permission granted" and
thus avoid a spanking :)
Garfbag (derogatory 'american rhyming slang' :)))
Garferkled (adj. rhymes with beferkled ..sp?.., the result and state of
something I touch being "Gar'd", shall we say)
Garfarkle (is what I sign off with, whenever I'm making it clear my
intention was mostly to subject the reader to my annoying and obnoxious
humor; I believe the authentic public origin was from the "Farkel
Family" skits on "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In", one of the sons
was...you guessed it, Gar Farkel! True history :)
Garfarkle :)