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On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 15:28:37 -0400, Mike Rolica
<mrolica@meridian-mag.com> wrote:

>And is there any way to get rid of the megabites of headers?

This brings up an interesting sidelight I hoped to get a chance to
comment on. Whoever built the logic into the script that removes the
previously quoted material and copious other junk, I'm become woefully
aware it's doing *some* serious damage to the archives in it's efforts
to save them. When someone DOES do a good job of snipping down to the
bone the quoted material, and then you read the replies, it's almost
impossible sometimes to get the gist.

And I've seen quite a few times where someone has posted a quoted
article from some other source or list that has the "quote chars" around
it, and so that entire quote is elided, and you haven't ANY record of
what was posted at all.

Forgive me for pissing & moaning about an all round excellent effort to
get rid of the garbage from the archives, but it's also looking like
some of the baby is going out with the bath water. Just me dos centavos.
