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Re: 747 Rom Emulator / status
"Niinikoski, Juha" wrote:
> Hi list
> During my vacation I have received only one message concerning my emulator.
> Today I added couple new features into it. Simple online hex editor and GM
> checksum calculation. After some more debuging I put it to ftp incoming.
Juha -- people may have been waiting until you got back from vacation.
I've looked at the schematic but not the code. It looks like when
programming the SRAM you disconnect it from the ECM bus using the 245s?
Have you thought about using a dual port RAM? Would enable on the fly
changes without killing the engine.
> When doing this I found minor mistake in Programming 101 Information pages.
> Checksums and PROM ID chapter explains that checksum is calculated starting
> after checksum word itself. GM checksum calculation is however started from
> byte four.
> Now few questions.
> 1.
> Are there somewhere free bin to Motorola S19 conversion program ? If not I
> have to make it.
Not that I know of, there is one on the ftp site to convert s19 to bin.
> 2.
> Where can I find most complete 747.ecu file for WinBin ?
There are several on the ftp site/GMECM www page. Can't say which is
more up to date, though.
> 3.
> Where can I find most accurate information how to read 747 ALDL data stream
> ?
There are some ALDL links on the gmecm WWW page also.
> Juha
Steve Ravet