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Re: Nitrous Explosion

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 17:22:54 -0500, Don.F.Broadus@ucm.com wrote:

>how do you feel about the speed density vs. mass flow controversy ?

Don, you unconscionable rabble-rouser and fomentor of the most divisive
and scurilous of issues to ever frequent our happy and placid e-parlor!
There, I guess I've told him. Harrummpphh.

Having saidNdone my duty, may I just add my own two farthings? I feel
that both speed and density are a good thing, unless of course we're
speaking of intellectual density. But the mass flow issue if one I think
that has grave spiritual consequences for the nation, nay the world, if
not the cosmos. You must know of course that at the center of all
cosmological controversy at the moment, is the issue of the "missing

Being one of the denizens of such an august scientific body as
gmecm@diy-efi.org which as we all know is a completely transparent
anagram for:
	"GM farce did it to my ego".

This is clearly demonstrated if we spell out the key punctuations thinly
disguised as:
	gmecm at diyefi dot org
If you carefully analyze the above in anagrammatical and numerological
form, you'll see that our group is but another one of those infamous
Monty Python eXperiments where they bring together a seemingly
confederate bunch of humans, and show how in short order they go
completely bonkers (I'd use the word beferkeled, but I realize this is a
family list), despite what might appear to be a CLEAR common point of
interest; namely EFI.

A case in point should suffice to round out my otherwise faultless
proof: how a subject such as "Nitrous Explosion" should eventuate in
such far reaching tangents as, from the mundanities of political
parties, all the way to the quintessential cosmological controversy
between "speed-density" and "mass-flow" as an explanation of how we all
came to exist in the first place, is simply illuminated once again by
anagrammatical analysis, the very KEY to understanding human nature and
language. What you might ask is my final proof of this? Well, consider
	Nitrous Explosion
is another absolutely school-boyishly simple anagram for:
	Noxious Petrol Sin

This points out the very sinister and deeply cosmic nature of this
seemingly innocent topic. One MUSTN'T be too careful. Remember, anagrams
NEVER lie. They just rearrange the truth, one letter at a time.

Garfossil (a clever disguise for my real name "Silas Frog")

Ribbett (relax, no anagrammatical significance; just an epithet :)