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Re: TBI Fuel Pressure
For most systems, 9 to 11 is ok, 9 being a little low and somewhat
common. 13 is top of the scale, and can be a little high for some
applications, but it's nice to see that much. Fuel pressure shouldn't
drop so quickly, but it's common to see that, too. That could cause
hard starting. Did you check fuel pressure at the time the problem
was occurring? How about hooking up a long vacuum line into the car,
and taping the red "straw" from a can of carburetor cleaner to it?
Then you can add "fuel" whenever you think it's needed. Oh yeah,
bring lots of rags in case the tape leaks, and make sure your carb
cleaner is actually flammable. I speak from experience here...
And as always, make sure the basic tune up is good. Fuel filter,
plugs, cap n rotor all need to be in good shape. Just a friendly
reminder. : )
Brent Obermiller wrote:
> Okay, First as a sanity check: 9-11 Lbs/sq in is bad right?
> 13-15 would be good? Second, should the fuel pressure drop
> to zero within 10 sec of the engine shutting off? Engine
> acts likes it's running out fuel steady throttle up hill,
> and higher rpm's (sorry didn't record actual range) WOT.
> Thinking of adjusting reg (for 13-15) and possibly replace
> pump. Any suggestions, comments?
> Specifics: GM tower and regulator, 92 Roadmaster pump, 2/
> 75lb injectors, 7747, Summit Racing 30lb fuel pressure gauge
> (input side).
> -Brent