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Re: EPROM Programming

If you'll accept Ford related input, what Bruce says is absolutely correct.
It takes time to dial in a tune. Luckily we Ford guys can now do this
without reburning a chip, but it still takes the time to analyze any
datalogs, decide what to do, put in the changes, then download them to the
EEC (ford's ecm).  I figure if I were burning chips for my car I'd be on
burn 50 or more by now.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Plecan <nacelp@bright.net>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: Thursday, August 03, 2000 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: EPROM Programming

>> I am interested in modifying my GMECM EPROM. I have read Programming 101
>> the tuning tips. So is it as simple as getting an EPROM burner, getting
>> tuning software like Tunercat, getting their chip TDF file for the ECM
>that I
>> have, making the changes, and then burning the chip? Will the .bin files
>> the DIY-EFI site work without any changes? Or do I have to remove the
>> and EGR functions? In reading the tuning tips by Dr. Bruce Plecan, it
>> that you make a change, drive the car, then make another change. Isn't
>> very time consuming since you have to reburn the chip every time, or is
>> using some real time program he didn't mention?
>There was nothing "trick" or "secret" left out.
>Contrary to what so many folks want there is no sweet and simple 15 min way
>to optimise a chip, for a modified engine.  Least not if you want close to
>Once, you get a chip "perfect", and you see what even a 747 can do, it will
>truely amaze you.
>It took about 400 "burns" to get things right. Time consuming, yes.  I'm
>much faster now.  I can dial in a stock engine (for WOT) in about a dozen
>chips or less now.  Probably 100 or less for modified engine, but I've done
>alot of chips in the last few years, and looked at many chips that others
>have done.
>Used only the tools mentioned in tuning tips
>> Last, does anyone know if the fuel pressure on a TBI system changes with
>> engine vacuum like it does on a TPI system?
>> Thanks for the help.
>> John Wilson
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

