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Re: 747 Rom Emulator / design

A xilinx xcv50 has 32k bits (4k bytes) of block ram.  Check the package
types available before going too far down this road.  Tools cost should be
considered as well (xilinx alliance or foundation).  A simulation tool
like modelsim would be nice (verilog/vhdl).  There are some free tools
available like xilinx's webfitter, but it may not cover the device you
want to use (http://www.xilinx.com/products/software/we_detail.htm).  I'm
not up to date on altera offerings.

Depending on the fpga used, the "single chip emulator" may also need an
eprom or two (maybe serial eprom) to program it everytime it powers up.

I think it's a good idea.  Depending on what users want, a pic and dpram
would be more "hobbiest friendly" in my opinion.


On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Ludis Langens wrote:

> steve ravet wrote:
> > 
> > As far as DP ram, IDT makes them and they're really no more complicated
> > than SRAM.  There are two address busses, two data busses, one of each
> > to the EPROM socket and PIC.
> According to discussion in several Usenet electronics groups, recent
> FPGA's contain RAM that can function as dual port SRAM.  These FPGA's
> are logic devices that are configured by loading a configuration from an
> external serial PROM into SRAM in the FPGA.  Portions of this
> configuration SRAM can be used as user RAM instead.
> One of these FPGA chips could be used to make a "single chip" emulator
> for a '747.  I don't know how much DPRAM they can contain, but it should
> be enough for the 4Kbytes of a '747.  The rest of the FPGA could contain
> hardwired logic for reading/writing the DPRAM via a serial link.
> -- 
> Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
> Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:  http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/
