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Re: Spark Plug Analysis
What they are doing is shrouding the initial fire ball, if I understnad you
correctly, and that does work insome engines, however, indexing the plugs
will get you about the same thing, also some engines like the indexing
orientation to specific area of the chamber rather then the SBC side
electrode toward the intake valve
> >Chapion, and NGK make them.
> >If any other option, I'd use it, they are generally a pain in the a$$.
> >work fine one minute, and turn to dodo the next. NASCAR briefly
> >with them from time to time, but no one says with them cause they are
such a
> >PITA.
> > They seem just fine on rotaries, but that's all in my experience.
> >Played alot with them in a SB Mopar years ago, and gave up.
> >Ignition system has alot to do with them to, they are very sensitive to
> >voltage / current.
> I'm being sent some funky plugs to play with in my 5.0L Explorer... BRISK
> is the brand... Made in Czech republic.
> they are weird and here's the best definition of the gaps etc without a
> picture...
> Center electrode is normal, but has a metal ring molded into the ceramic
> just under the tip... At the lower edge of this "ring" are 3 ground
> electrodes equi-spaced from the shell... Basically you get 2 sparks per
> firing... one from the tip to the ring, and the second from the ring to
> of the ground electrodes... Supposedly "self cleaning" and improves idle
> etc due to the pseudo surface-gap that exposes the whole electrode/spark
> the mixture.
> Their free, so I'm not out anything if they don't work any better than
> stock plugs!
> Had a set of another style they had in a dodge neon... Actually worked...
> these had 2 rings on the center insulator and the final gap was from the
> 2nd ring to the shell... Smoother idle, better starting, and seemed to
> have a bit more pull top end (butt-o-meter and on a timer... knocked .3
> seconds off the 0-60 over new stock plugs)