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1227747 question
GI've seen problems like this happen with aftermarket O2 sensors. They
start providing a voltage that's high enough for the ecm to consider as
valid. These symptoms are usually accompanied by hesitation and poor
idle. Disconnecting the O2 sensor will force open loop and driveability
will improve.
M>I'm helping a friend with a problem on a 1227747 in a 88 C-10. Long story
GM>short, the ECM goes into closed loop within 5-10 seconds at any temp - cold
GM>or hot. I don't have much experience with the '747 but I believe there are
GM>min run times in the prom before closed loop is allowed. Is there something
GM>that can overide this? What are the times in the '747 code? I know on the
GM>'165 I'm use to messing with the times usually run around 60 seconds on the
GM>cold side to about 300 seconds on the hot side. Is this comparable?
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