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Using the GMECM List - was Re: ECM calibr..
Dominic Sorresso wrote:
> Sorry. I wasn't yelling. I was trying to find a way to differentiate my
> answers from your questions so it would be easier for you to scan.
Here's a tip (I use Netscape, but Explorer/Outlook is probably similar).
Set your options so that quoted text comes out differently - I use blue
AND italics - there's no confusion then. Also, better to set to a
*non* proportional font, in case someone sends ASCII art! Of course,
don't even think of sending HTML (and if they do, send them back TEXT,
eh Bruce?).
Also, use a complete blank line between the text and your reply, both above
and below.
Finally, if you break into a line of quoted text, then don't forget
to add the "> " at the start of the line you broke.
And - delete all stuff that is not relevant to your reply - real people
do actually look back at your old emails!
regards, Peter