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Re: 7730/ANHT code problem

The memcal determines the limp mode parameters, including the
cylinder select function. If you're running in limp mode with
an 8 cyl memcal on a 4 cyl then the results may be unpredictable.

chetwagner@uswest.net wrote:
> Just for starters, I am in the middle of a conversion that will be
> using the 7730 and hopefully the ANHT/AUJP code.  That is if I can
> figure out why the cyl select function in the code does not work.
> No mater what the setting is set to, the engine doesn't run very well
> and the scantool always shows the rpm as if the engine is a
> V8 (this is a four cyl engine it is going on).  I do not know how to
> read any of the code that is on the chip besides the data tables,

There is a "hack" of the ANHT code (c/o ECMguy), this will tell you 
how the "code" handles a mismatch of the memcal mode (that is read 
through the FMD chip) in the "hardware" versus the "software". I am 
not really familiar with ANHT to give you an answer off the top of 
my head.

> but maybe someone who does would be able to help me.  It almost
> seems like the code was made specifically for the V8 and nothing
> else.  Please help, any little bit is more than I have.

If you search for Ludis's information on the cylinder select function,
and look at the schematics (for just about any P4) you should be able
to convert a memcal from V8 to 4 cylinder by using a resistor from
one of the memcal pins to either VCC or GND. But, as you suggest, the
"code" may be V8 only?

HTH, Peter.