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02 Voltage Calculation

Does anyone know what the formula is for calculating the O2 voltage coming
from the diagnostic data on a '730 $8D data stream ?

Another doc I looked at said "VOLTAGE = N x 4.42", is this correct?  Seems
a little high to me.

I'm developing some software to do real time graphing/logging of the data
stream for this beast, so I need to get this one right.  

P.S. - If anyone else is interested in the software, I can upload it.
Currently only supports the 8192 ($8D) data stream, but may expand later if
enough interest, although I only have an '730 ecm to do testing with now.
It has the capability to log all diagnostic data at selectable intervals
and the ability to load data files for later viewing in a graph format.  Or
you can get real time display info as you're running.  Has nice GUI
interface.  Windows 98/95 only.

Rob Berg