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I finally took the leap - general tuning questions
I got back the first chip I had another lister burn from a bin I modified
myself. And it ran different in just the way I would expect, so i guess I
have the modify thing figured out. I also ordered everything I need from
digikey, including a PB10, eraser, 27c512's, and some assorted adapter
goodies. I got tired of trying to get an old beater burner to work and
waiting for a deal on EBAY. (which I must say there are a lot under EPROM
and TPI). So I will soon be in the hunt. I also have trouble firing a rich
mixture at high cyl pressure, So i ordered the accell amp/coil apckage for 87
up GM from naparts.com. If no one has any comment about this IGN unit, I
guess I will let you all know. The crane unit looks like it did exactly the
same thing for less bucks, but the website info said it was not waterproof
and should be mounted inside. Screw that!
OK - in stock TBI 350 bins, there is a big dip in the fuel map aound about
4800 prm, and it comes back up around 5600. This is exactly where my truck
was slow with the howell bin, which turned out to be a stock bin only with
too much advance and the idle turned up. Why is this dip there? I can
understand that the stock application shifts at 4000 and shuts off at 4800,
so why the dip. Even if the VE of the engine starts dropping off as you run
out of cam and into intake, head, exhaust restrictions, why does it the fuel
curve take off again at 5000+.? You could never get there, so what gives?
I smoothed out the map here, getting rid of the dip and things pull much
Thanks for listening to my electroyappin!
Ryan Hampl - a K-State Grad! kasaryan@aol.com
139 Hoover Ct. Controls Engineer (tubes rule!)
Salina, KS 67401 97 B12 / 86 V65 / 93chevy truck EFI 383