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Re: P4 and on Memory Mapping
p4's are not a standard off the shelf HC11. P6's are almost a HC11F
The a/d is external as a seria; device.
On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 18:21:58 +1100, gmecm@efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu wrote:
> Hi all,
> On and off I've been working through a 16176424 Memcal, I've got some
> questions on the A/D Converter in GM's 68pin HC11 type CPU, this CPU is
> numbered 16127475.
> Here's what I've found -
> The Motorola HC11F1 book states that the A/D registers are at -
> $1030 (ADCTL)
> $1031 (ADR1)
> $1032 (ADR2)
> $1033 (ADR3)
> $1034 (ADR4)
> $1039 (OPTION)
> From my disassembly of a '424' Memcal these match O.K but they are mapped
> from $30xx, so the ADR's are at $3031 - $3034.
> Is this a Remap of the system or is that where GM requests these to be
> in their CPU's?.
> That being the case how comparable are the rest of the registers?, Port
> locations?.
> When an A/D conversion is requested in this PCM it does 4 channels at a
> time, but before it does it jumps to the following two routines, I think
> they are setting up which channels to read (0-3) or (4-7). Please
> guru's help me out here.
> Hope it all lines up -
> -----------------------------------------
> ldx #0x3000 ;A/D or CPU location?
> sei ;Disable Interupts
> ldaa #0x07 ;??
> jsr Routine1 ;?? Shown Below
> ldaa #0x10 ;??
> jsr Routine2 ;?? Shown Below
> ldaa 0x31,x ;A/D ADR1 - $3031
> staa IATA2D ;Store A/D IAT Value
> ldaa 0x32,x ;A/D ADR2 - $3032
> staa CTSA2D ;Store A/D CTS Value
> ldaa 0x33,x ;A/D ADR3 - $3033
> staa TTSA2D ;Store A/D TTS Value
> ldaa 0x34,x ;A/D ADR4 - $3034
> staa BATA2D ;Store A/D Batt Voltage
> cli ;Re-enable interrupts
> **************************************
> Routine1:
> bclr 0x08,x,#0x38
> lsla
> lsla
> lsla
> oraa 0x08,x
> staa 0x08,x
> rts
> **************************************
> Routine2:
> staa ADCTL ;Store at A/D Control
> ldab #0x0C
> LAB1: brset 0x30,x,#0x80,LAB2
> decb
> bne LAB1
> LAB2: rts
> ***************************************
> And lastly, we refer to the 68HC11 based ECM/PCM's as P4's right, however
> what I don't get is the 808/165 etc use a 52pin CPU, whereas alot of the
> later ECM/PCM's use a 68pin, different CPU's right, why the same Px
> designation then?
> I've been out working in the garden all day, had too much time to think
> about all this stuff :-)
> Thanks,
> Ross Myers
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