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Re: 89 MAF Volt to freq conversion
Well, for my 2 cents worth, the translator idea is neat, but been done. Ya
it costs some $$, but for all the time, and effort to duplicate it, I really
doubt if it's worth doing. I plan on doing something along those lines as
practice for working with a 68HC___. Oh, and with the commercial unit you
don't have to worry about test driving, and getting a blown fuse, entering
the freeway. Hardware failures really can happen at the worst possible
But, for all the song and dance to do that, why not get an ecm and
convert it to what exactly you want?.
In the case of the 85-89 F-bodies just go to the 730. $50 or less gets
you an ecm, a couple bucks for connectors, and 40$ish gets a new MAP. The
with 730 Hac from TC your done, and have full tunability. If you want stock
appearance just leave the MAF looking like it's connected. If you really
hunt you can find ecms once inna while for 15 and sensors for 5 so for 25
you get the best of all worlds, or if you pay heavily 105 gets you into the
In the case of the 748 (turbo app), give a hand working on the 8253. It's
a P4 SEFI, DIS, ecm, with lots of empty room in the prom for patches. Bump
come to shove, just use the 8253 as is, and make a wastegate controller.
Ahh, no PT or Dr.s today.. What a thrill!!!!!.....
| You got it Bro!
| I think Kendall Frederick was talkin making a 68hc11 uP converter.
| Modern Muscle presently sells what's called a MAF translator to convert
| the later LT-1 analog MAF to the FM signal. NOW.. if this can be done in
| the code and the LT-1 maf just plugged in.. for the 7148 Grand National
| computer..
| I know I'll build a converter before I buy someone else's.. Although
| sometimes it's nice to buy the stuff ready to rock.. ya never know.
| I got one of the last new maf's when they went disc. It isn't going to
| last forever.. :)
| Thomas Matthews wrote:
| >
| > You are absolutly right...I'm also shocked no one else has shown
interest in
| > this project now... What I figure to do is use my shop vac with some
| > restrictors, get 3 or 4 points mapped for the old, the new, and try and
| > construct a rough fuel curve off of this and fine tune it on the car...
| > Not an elegant solution by any means, but I think I can make it work...
| > Anyone have any ideas, refinements, or are you dying to have a good
| > I've also thought of trying to find the exact increase in area and flow
| > mathmatically, and then adjusting the LV8 variables to match so I can be
| > the ballpark.
| > Terry Kelley- does your GMEPro program have this table listed? Seriously
| > thinking about buying your program... Can you tell me off list what it
| > adjust?
| > Anyone know of any circuit designs for freq to voltage?
| > I'm basically looking at doing what Bruce proposed a few months ago...
| >
| > Tom
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > From: "DC Smith" <morepoweral@tetranet.net>
| > To: <gmecm@efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
| > Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 10:42 AM
| > Subject: Re: 89 MAF Volt to freq conversion
| >
| > > Hey, Tom! It's been over 2 days and no reply on this one? Gee, if it
| > > were only true for the 7148 Buick GN code. It sure would puit a cramp
| > > the MAF translator sales, since the GN MAF went disc.. :) MAN! I need
| > > read more of those web pages! <grin>
| > >
| > > Anybody know anything about this? Pulleeze? ;)
| > >
| > > BTW, happy new year friends!
| > >
| > > Thomas Matthews wrote:
| > > >
| > > > In the ECMguy's hack of the 86 '165 bin, he has a flag for MAF type,
| > voltage
| > > > or frequency... Does anyone know if this is present in the 89 ARAP
| > > > calibration, and if it is there, where it is?
| > > > Is it as simple as flipping the volt to frequency flag, and
| > recalibrating
| > > > the calibration to use a newer, higher flowing GM MAF, such as a LT1
| > sensor?
| > > > He also has 6 tables that define the range of a frequency MAF, but
| > the
| > > > showing of the tables he has voltages- would these be the ones to
| > adjust?
| > > > Is some other part of the program performing a conversion from
| > to
| > > > frequency that I have missed?
| > > > Also, I've seen numerous references to VATS- I thought it did not
| > along
| > > > until '88.
| > > > I remember that some were heading this way a few months ago, but
| > > > seen anything recently...
| > > > Thanks
| > > > Tom
| > >
| > > --
| > >
| > > Dan Smith 84 Regal 11.841@115.09 GSCA# 1459
| > > St.Charles, Missouri
| > > mailto:morepoweral@tetranet.net
| > > http://www.tetranet.net/users/morepoweral
| > >
| > >
| > >
| --
| ***********************************************************************
| Dan Smith 84 Regal 11.841@115.09 GSCA# 1459
| St.Charles, Missouri
| mailto:morepoweral@tetranet.net
| http://www.tetranet.net/users/morepoweral
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