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Re: Timing Jump on 165/TPI System
As the pickup in the dissy is an A/C generator the faster it spins the
greater and earlier the signal, hence the timing advances.
Why, for drivability, when there is a ecm/wiring/module problem.
| With timing control connector disconnected (ie. setting timing on a
| 165-based TPI motor), timing should sit still, which it does for me at low
| RPM. However, when I idle it on up to say 2000 or 2500, it seems to
| like 12 degrees or so, instantaneously, and hold up there until I idle it
| back down. Then it jump-returns to the previous value. This is all
| timing-light based. Any thoughts on what is being seen? There's about a
| degree drift on idle-up, probably from timing chain stretch, but that's
| huge.
| Anyways, fishing for thoughts. It's not problematic, just would like to
| understand what's happening and why.
| Sincerely,
| Craig