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Re: What model ECM is this ?

I did a compare on one of the snakeskiiners E-proms and then one that Ron
Zimmer did for me.

Ron took that chip S.S chip as a baseline and changed :

1. upped the timing a bit
2. leaned the fuel a tad
3. upped the rev limiter from 7,200 to 7,500 RPMs

here is the diffs between those 2 E-proms (zimss = Zimmers changes )

Address    ssorg      zimss      ssorg      zimss
-------   ---(d)---  ---(d)---  ---(h)---  ---(h)---
 004C8       163        160         A3         A0
 004C9       170        163         AA         A3
 004CA       187        161         BB         A1
 004CB       193        168         C1         A8
 005AD       139        131         8B         83
 005AF       139        136         8B         88
 005B2       136        137         88         89
 005B4       136        137         88         89
 0071D       121        122         79         7A
 0071E       128        122         80         7A
 0071F       128        122         80         7A
 00720       128        122         80         7A
 00721       128        122         80         7A
 00722       128        122         80         7A
 00723       128        122         80         7A

So with knowing what he changed, can from this we determine where certain
functions lie in the code address and
go from there ?

Thanks for everyones input in my learning curve
