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Re: 3.1L turbo vin V schematics uploaded
Went to the library today to get some old and new vintage stuff, for those
of you who haven't seen a pinout, for a 98 Camaro V-8 PCM just wait. It's
amazing, so many wires it looks like it could be growing hair.
Gee ya just had to go and tell em!!..
| >> Someone from CSH land sent me schematics and service info for the 3.1L
| >> turbo vin V motor. They're on the ftp site, filenames:
| >
| >Newbie question:
| > what is CSH land?
| CSH-HQ is where Dr. Pelican and the little guys (Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey,
| etc.) live--AKA "Cone Shaped Hat- HQ".
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