I have two Thinkpad 755C's, but only need one. The one I'm
selling works fine, but you'll need a power supply and if you want, a battery.
It has a 75MHz (pretty sure) 486, 4MB onboard RAM, 163MB hard drive, active
matrix 640x480 color, 1.44 floppy, new pointer pad thingy, etc. The hinges &
all work fine, snaps shut pretty OK. Great unit for datalogging through MS-DOS
or Win3.1. Could use at least another 4MB memory if you're going to run 95
I'll throw in an active matrix screen that does not work
(whoopee!). If you want, I'll make sure it has a clean install of whatever OS
you want. It's set up with Dos622 & Win31 right now.
I wanted to give you guys first dibs before I put it in the
paper. If you're interested let me know off-line.