>From what little I've seen, I'd be amaised if GMP4 code wasn't written in
assmebler. My ECU's code looks far to efficient to have been written in C,
Pascal, Fortran, (or Basic ha ha). I did hear a roumor about Fourth, but
since the bits I've looked at are about as efficient as they can be, I just
don't see how any high level language could have been used. If it was, then
the compiler writer ought to work for Microsoft, and have a go at
streamlining some of their bloatware.But I take the point about common
sequence recognition. I can believe that
large sections of the code get reused in different bins. A simple example,
the checksum routine - every ECU has it, and I'd be surprised if they sat
down and re-wrote it specially for every implementation. Ditto for the ALDL
comms stuff.