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A small victory
Thanks to the many people on the list who helped me achieve a small victory.
I programmed my first custom chip yesterday and it worked. All I did was
change the injector flow rate (165 ECM) from 22.4#/hr to 18.9 #/hr,
according to TunerCat, which BTW is a great program for me. Even though I
have 22#/hr injectors, my thought was to tell it I had smaller ones to give
the engine more fuel across the board and bring the block learns down. The
car started better this morning and actually wanted to idle on its own.
Highway cruise showed the BLM change from 145-160 to now hover around
124-126 and an integrator around 128-132. The good news is the
Diacom-reported injector pulsewidth stayed the same as before. I think I
actually "tuned" something. Is it right? I have no friggin clue, but at
least I saw something change the way I expected it to. Time (and weather
and conditions) will tell.
For you newbies out there (like me), I have been a subscriber since January
and am only now tuning my first chip. Granted, I don't spend a lot of time
on this but it has taken a lot of "digesting" and reading to do simple
stuff. Hang in there.
Thanks again all!
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