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Re: Broken timing gear

v6 and v8 buicks seem do jump teeth or break gears more often than other Gm 
engines.  Use a double roller when you go back together, along with a high 
volume oil pump kit and you should be good.  better at least do a leakdown 
test, then you can check for bent valves without poulling the heads.

Thanks for listening to my electroyappin!
Ryan Hampl - a K-State Grad!    kasaryan@aol.com
139 Hoover Ct.                  Controls Engineer (tubes rule!)  
Salina, KS  67401               97 B12 / 86 V65 / 93chevy truck EFI 383
phone  (785) 825 5831           I'M ALWAYS FIRST TO THE GROCERY STORE!
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