What is an easy way to check to see if an ALDL port
has any data coming from it at all (if it is wired correctly etc.)? I have a
custom car I want to read the data from but a Tech 1 and a Tech 2 won't
communicate (neither will Diacom). Anything I can check with a voltmeter? What
about using the Diacom cable (parallel port) and some kind of software to see
the raw data (if any exists)? I think I might also have a serial port ALDL cable
(for some other software) that I could use.
BTW - the engine is a Cadillac Northstar engine
with a 1994 ECM (I think it is ECM part number 16197429) and a custom harness
(no Cadillac dash, no electronic throttle etc.).
Jason |