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Re: SS10 Help

   GM reference is VCM - A on '95 Centril Port config. ,Err kinda , mostly OBD2.
   Even has 20 fuel trim Cells , 4 being Idle, supposedly not OBD2 Monitored.

At this point there's no-body doing this ??...I'm currently working on a programming
method, but it'll be a while before I've got this one figured out. This is one of the first
truck "flash" computers.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dr.Acacio <aortiz@w3ti.com.br>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: September 14, 2000 9:41 AM
Subject: SS10 Help

Hi all 

Could anyone give some helpto change the calibration for
a GM Truck SS10 95, with Delco black box
  86BABBK 43212W P5
    service 16193495.
Thanks in advance
  > My best guess is:  maybe, but you would have to try it.  I am not too

   I would need to know what year the S-10 is from.

   You need to know that GM did not standardize their communication protocol.
They made changes to the commands and responses nearly every model year.  We
found that the 93 LT-1 responses are quite different from the 94/95 LT-1
responses.  And of course the 96's are OBD-II.  So this would imply that the
S-10 might have a different communication protocol.

    You also need to know that if you go down the 'remove the flash' route,
that GM has swapped some of the lines between the flash and the CPU.  If I
remember correctly, they swapped 3 of the address lines.  So by simply reading
the data in the flash, you will see garbage.  It can be decoded, but again,
that is more work.

    From what I've seen from the software inside a number of GM PCM's, they
tend to re-use their code whenever possible.  Sometimes they reuse the actual
source code, and sometimes they just reuse the ideas and the code looks
similar but different.  Unfortunately the location in the flash where some
specific code (like for the speed limit) moves around alot from PCM to PCM.

   Also unfortunately, the speed limit change you need is probably just 1 or 2
bytes that need changing.

   We really only understand the 94/95 LT-1 PCM's in detail.  There are people
out there that understand the earlier models pretty well, and some that
understand the later models pretty well.  I'd suggest you look into the GMECM
mailing list (found at diy-efy.org) or the DIY-EFI mailing list (same
address).  There are ALOT of experts there that might be able to answer your
questions, and maybe even provide some tools to help.  I have to believe that
someone on this list has the code for the S-10 truck, and might be able to
point you at the location in memory that needs to be changed.

   You can try our software and see if it works, but you would have to
purchase a cable.

   Thanks for finding that error on the web page.  We will go fix it.

Dave @ carputing.com

"Dr.Acacio" <aortiz@w3ti.com.br> wrote:

> ---------------------------------------------
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Could be possible to use your program ( PCMReader.exe)to read a Brazilian S-10
truck which has no VIN number????
Since you know the protocol to talk with the GM flash ECU there are any
chances to develop an editor for Brazilans trucks?? I know you are involved in
the OBD II version of the editor, and probably has no time do do others
projects, but we need here any tool to remove the speed limit...
Thanks in advanced....
1.Another way to read would be removing the flash and read it in a
Do you think that the speed limit routine will be completely different from
each GM flash ECU type????
2. There are an error in your web page, the total tamount  to  buy cable and
software will be from 195 to US$295.00 not 245.00.....