I understood your original post's question, it was
a question about why it looks like some are treated one way and others are
treated differently. harmless enough question but I thought others may have
interpreted it another way (they did)
My responce was aimed at those who read it wrong,
if you can follow that.
It also gave me a change to say terry's product and
virtue is all good.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 9:07
Subject: Re: Call for standards:
EPROM/cal editing
In a message dated 11/04/2000 10:10:58 AM Eastern
Standard Time, EOA@spartek.com
I don't begrudge Terry for charging for his work. Writing the
software is easy compared to dissecting the bin's to get the correct
data locations. I also wouldn't expect a commercial package to adhere to
a universal standard for ECU files, that is their lifeblood. It would be
nice if the free editors did though (That is why we write them isn't it?
to share?) or at least provide a means for translating from one to the
OK, well now that another of my posts has been
grossly misunderstood, I'll simply say that I am all for Terry K or anyone
else being able to sell what they have designed for a profit. I have
apologized to Terry off list for inadvertently dragging his name into