----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 1:38
Subject: Re: Call for standards:
EPROM/cal editing
Well, I can say this. I've used next to nothing, and I mean
next to nothing from the open discussions I've seen here to make my program. I
own none of the competitons programs. I have the listings or I've figured it
out myself. Have I asked tons of questions? You bet, but 99% private. Did the
people know I was making the program and EPE files and would sell it?
Yep, in fact that's what has driven the ones I've done. Demand. How did I get
the lists? From various places. Contacts are the key. However, ANY ONE that
has helped essentially gets free dibs on anything I've written. If there is
anyone that thinks I abused them after receiving information, let me know. I
think I've been pretty fair about the whole thing. I know I don't share too
much in details on this list, but privately I've been pretty open.
My program was not created from the wealth of
information here. It was created with the wealth of assistance from other
people and hard time-consuming work. I've tried to give them back what they
gave me.
Question, why is it that some listers can sell their EFI related
created from the wealth of info here without ramifications, and
others are
lynched for the same thing. Seems inconsistent treatment to
me. Terry Kelly
comes to mind for ex. but there are others.