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Re: Too hot 7805

No. <g> Use a pass transistor instead.

At 08:34 AM 1/28/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Added a .01+10 cap at input and output still gets hot, yes 12V input.
>Can I just plug a second 7805 in?.  
>| > The 7805 is really hot after just seconds, I've checked my wiring a
>| > jillion times, ans still that way.
>| What are you running for a de-coupling cap(s)?  The 7805 just may
>| be going into oscillation.  What is the input voltage?  Just 12 volts
>| I assume?
>| Scot Sealander

        Peter Hipson (founder, NEHOG)
        1995 White NA Hummer Wagon