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Re: Too hot 7805

Bruce Plecan wrote:
>   Can this 3 chips be drawing that much current?.

Do the digital chips have any floating inputs?  With a CMOS chip, the
inputs can float at an intermediate level - causing the chip to consume
_lots_ of current.

Put an ammeter in series with the input of the 7805 and report how much
current your circuit is drawing.

> a 2732, and 2 74LC 161s, all the load is
> a LED with a 1K inline resistor.

LC?  Do you mean HC, LS, or something else?  It would be kind of hard to
drive an LED with an HC device.  I seem to remember that you were asking
if you could use a 74S device because 74LS was unavailable.  If you are
indeed using 74S161's, they can draw lots of current.

Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:  http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/