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Re: 88 TBI issue

Welcome Eric.
Usually our welcome lady (AKA Grumpy, Dr. Bruce) writes this but he must be
out smoking the tires in his new TIE Fighter, slaughtering innocent V8's at
the whoosh of a turbo....
I have a 89 350 TBI truck among other projects...
0. I'm assuming you have already hit Prog 101, and Grumpy's tuning tips...
1. Where did the ECM come from? What was originally in the truck? 4.3? 5.0?
7.4?? Do you know the brodcast code from the chip, and the P/N of the
2. If the cam is fact 88 GM police 350, it is an issue, but one of fine
tuning only IMHO...
3. Police TBI injectors are lots bigger than stock 350 and 305 injectors -
305 were 45, 350 truck 55, and 350 police were 65 if I remember correctly.
4. Looks like your next purchase is a scan tool, there are the Diacom and
EASE for laptops, and a host of standalone units such as the MPSI and Auto
X-ray. Need to see BLM, O2, and every other sensor just to make sure the ECM
is not getting any strange inputs.
5. Truck ECM's usually expect 0 degrees (not always)- what is your orig
timing sticker say, and what is the motor set at?
6. Start looking for an EPROM- then you can burn a stock 350 chip and see if
that's better or worse. Do you have the police 350 injectors around still?
They can be put to good use.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Deslauriers" <edeslaur@us.oracle.com>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 8:38 PM
Subject: 88 TBI issue

> Hi all,
> New guy to the list here. I have a 93 5.7 Suburban & 88 5.7 fullsize
> Blazer , both with TBI.
> I recently transplanted a strong-running, carbbed  88 Police Caprice
> roller cammed engine (had center bolt heads) into the Blazer , reusing
> the Blazer's intake, TBI, etc.  & now am getting a pinging code. I tried
> a set of police fuel injectors (whole pod in place of the Blazer's), but
> performance was waaay worse, so I swapped back to the Blazer's.
> Unfortunately, the cam specs are not known (GM has a page-long list of
> meaningless #s to apply to this cam & Mitchell manual says it's one of
> two). I believe I will have to get those to be successful.
> When the truck is cold, it runs pretty nicely, but when warm, pings &
> then the timing is retarded & performance lags. Beyond putting a
> resistor across the temp lead, or disconnecting the EGR valve, I'm
> trying to learn what I can do to make it run "right", hence my joining
> this list.
> I'm still trying to figure out what equipment I need to acquire to
> modify my EPROM, especially on the fly if that exists. I have no
> existing equipment other than a couple of laptops, so I need almost
> everything (including EPROM burner, adapter cables to ALDL, etc.)
> While I can code quite reasonably in C, C++ & Java, and am an assembly
> hacker from way on back (Apple II days, so it's fuzzy, but Motorola
> based), hardware is a definite weakness. Also, I am a car guy, with a
> '69 SS el Camino that I have been "improving", so I should have a decent
> portion of the required mix.
> I'm all psyched up to go full tilt into this, so any help, URLs &
> pointers are appreciated. I've already started @ the site and found lots
> of things to confuse me. :-)
> I'm doing this for the knowledge & challenge, not to fix some problem.
> Like I told my friend - I can pay someone $600 to tune it, or spend
> $1,000 learning how to do it. Which sounds like more fun? ;-)
> Thanks,
> Eric D.
> 88 K5 Blazer
