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Re: Heated O2 sensors

Shawn -

on the subject of heated 02's...
I got some from the the gnttype.org site's list of parts suppliers - theres
one guy on there who is the parts manager at a GM dealer in ohio - I forget
the name - I posted about this before and did not have the name then either.
the guys last name is the same as the dealership name I think his dad owns
it maybe? anyway he has a kit for the buick GN that he put together
consisting of a heated o2, and a conversion set of connectors that take a
standard GM o2 connector and mate it to the heated one, you just connect a
ground and ignition power source up as well. looks factory enough. I have no
part numbers I just called and said "you supposedly sell a heated o2 kit for
buick GN's can I have one" they are cheap too like 39 cause as a GN lister
you get 10% above dealer cost.  I REMEMBER his name is ZAK i think.

----- Original Message -----
From: Shawn R. Lin <slin01@mail.orion.org>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 4:57 AM
Subject: Heated O2 sensors

> What are the differences between GM's different O2 sensors (besides
> price)?
> I'd like to put a heated O2 sensor on the turbo 3.1L V6 in my Grand
> Prix.
> I was originally thinking to use an AFS75 because it's the one used in
> the Gen III 3100 V6 and 3.4L DOHC from 94-96.
> However, in 97-98 they switched to an AFS109 which costs more.  What's
> the difference?
> Also, do these O2 sensors come with connectors?
> I also don't know which type of connector I'm supposed to use.
> There are two applications which fit the AFS75 and AFS109.  PT420 which
> is a 3-way female connector with leads, and PT1017 which is a 4-way
> female connector with leads.  My parts catalog says the 3100 uses the
> PT420 connector, but the 3800 Series II uses the PT1017 connector, and
> all 94-96 W-cars use the PT818 4-way female connector.  So I'm confused
> as to which connector I'm supposed to use with either the AFS75 or
> AFS109.  The 3-way F connector, 4-way F connector, or???
> Or is there an extra 4th wire (ground or something) that is not needed
> on the 3100 while it is needed on other engines?
> --
> Shawn Lin
> http://www2.cybercities.com/g/gmwbodycars/
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