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Re: rats! vats!
Or - a microcassette recorder plugged into the aldl and playback to a laptop
later? line level input or direct to mike?
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter D. Hipson <mail@darkstar.mv.com>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: rats! vats!
> Aw, use the easy solution... Use a modem. 9600 and higher are a piece of
> At 09:23 AM 2/9/2000 -0800, you wrote:
> >You can run a data linkt over a radio, but it has to have beter band
> >than most to pass an 8 Khz signal, most vice chanels are 3.5 Khz and it
> >be full duplex since you have to request each data string.
> >You could re-write that section of code to delete the request data
> >
> >On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 20:27:24 PST, gmecm@diy-efi.org wrote:
> >
> >> Speaking of thinking, 8192baud is audible,(baudible?) has anybody ever
> >> hooked a walkie talkie to an aldl so they can monitor the car from the
> >pit?
> >> Two way data transfer would be a bad idea, "excuse me, but your car
> >to
> >> be running a little too fast. Let me fix that for ya."
> >>
> >> How 'bout a sound card interface or maybe one of those old junky
> >> laying around. maybe pop a cassette into the car stereo and reprog.
> >car
> >> on the fly.
> Thanks,
> Peter Hipson (founder, NEHOG)
> 1995 White NA Hummer Wagon