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Re: XDE Documents
Can you send a copy of that downloaded file this way too? Always interested
in reading/pondering/understanding something new..................
Also, to the 'GMECM group at large, does anyone have a copy of XDE-5024?
Not super critical to have, but would make interesting reading as it is oft
referred to in the context of ALDL communication protocols.
Is there a complete/partial digital version of XDE-9063 available for
viewing somewhere?
>>Steve Ravet wrote:
>>I wasn't familiar with XDE-9063 so I looked in the
>>It's apparently a GM document with details on ALDL
>>data streams? Andit
>>may or may not be public? Can anyone say for sure,
>>if it's legal can
>>someone send me a copy for the gmecm WWW page?-
>I'm pretty sure you guys have had it for a while now,
>it was referenced in one of the first few messages
>in the archives. Ron referred to a copy on the syty
>page, I'm not sure if it's still there.
>The copy I have is the acutal hard copy, I don't have
>it in digital format. I'll see if I can ping Ron for
>the file, if he isn't listening.
>XDE-9063, for those who don't know/haven't seen, is
>the Delco documentation for the CPC-N 2.0L Turbo PFI
>system for MY '88, program # P0188BXZ01.
>It references other docs:
>SK-2107 Mechanization Drawing
>XDE-5006 ECM to STM Interface Requirements
>XDE-5024 System Design spec for High Speed Serial
> Data Communication between Microcomputer
> Assemblies
>If anyone's got a good rappor with the Delphi folks,
>you might want to see if you can talk 'em out of a
>full digital copy of any of these docs. I'd be
>interested in hearing what the reply was on 9063,
>since I was told by a reliable party that it was no
>longer in Delco's library.
>Interestingly enough, I first stumbled onto this on
>the Hotrod list about 6 years ago, which surprised
>me since it wasn't too old at the time. I'm missing
>sections 10,13,14,15,16, and 17.
>The digital copy is missing the same sections, but
>they apparently came from different sources. (I've
>never given a copy out, except to Delco folks)
>Steve, I'm gonna send you a Word doc I downloaded
>that also appears to be part of a GM format spec.
>I think this has been around too, so use it if you
>I got a boatload of stock binaries I've collected over
>the years, I'd be happy to upload 'em to an ftp site
>if you need.