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more nother ALDL

Check it out - I got the mad scientists' lab up and running and simulated a
30% duty cycle digital pulse from a uP eval board (MOT 705CICS eval - good,
cheap$99, versitile)  and did a few things to make me laff:

hooked a modem speaker to the 0-5v pulse to hear it, put a laptop microphone
in front of the speaker (ha haa - wireless communications : ) and recorded
it with laptop sound recorder. I actually could pick out the transitions
pretty easy from the noisy WAV data but the duty cycle was only like 200ms
in the test pulse. Then I used a voltage divider to get the uP signal down
to 50mv or thereabouts so the sound card can take it directly in. Signal was
clean enough .. most of each transition was completely vertical but some
charge and bleed delay was there.

Going to do some higher speed tests next. this is neeto.

(trying to gather ALDL into windows WAV file and use a program to decypher
it into car data, if you didn't read the previous post)