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Re: V6 ALDL Communications
Jeremy Gonyou wrote:
> Got a new cable (thanks again Andrew) with dip switches for various
> resitor values across A and B. Looking at my code, I'm fairly certain that
> the car is looking for a 3.9 k resistor. However when I set my cable to
> such the car goes beserk! 3000 rpm idle. Codes 33 and 35, and still no
> data. The car will barely run with this resitor!
3.9K ohms selects the limp-home test mode. If you want to communicate
with the ECM, use 10K ohms instead.
Ludis Langens ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies: http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/