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Re: Carprom vs. Promedit
I have a friend who purchased carprom from AS&M and his statement was "Let
the buyer beware" It is a totally worthless program. He showed it to me.
All it has is the graphical interface, that's it. Any data you want other
than that you will have to try to get from other suckers, oops I mean
members of "Their" chatroom who may be nice enough to tell you what address
something is at.
My opinion, is it's totally worthless. TOTALLY WORTHLESS!
Use promedit or GMe Pro.
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew K. Mattei <amattei@mindspring.com>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 8:23 PM
Subject: Carprom vs. Promedit
>OK, I need some advice from the list.
>I've got a friend who is considering purchasing Carprom from AS&M. He's
>about to do it next week. I just looked over the AS&M web site and read the
>FAQ about Carprom, and it strikes me that it does the same thing as
>with the graphing function. I've used Promedit, and it really grew on me
>my TPI car. I really enjoyed the 3-d graph that Promedit has. Looking at
>AS&M "graphs", my only question is, WTF is that?
>Is this true? Anyone ever seen someone use Carprom? He wants to use it to
>things like disable VATS, change fan turn on temperatures, etc. Will
>make things easy for him, or will it simply lighten his wallet as opposed
>Promedit? Even if he shells out the big bucks, will he end up hunting and
>pecking for values, or is their user support group good enough to help him
>out with finding the parameters he needs?
>I'd like to be able to save him from making a large mistake if it's not an
>extremely useful tool.