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Re: Carprom vs. Promedit

I wouldn't say Carprom is totally worthless, its' main use is to
FIND maps. There's already many more full function programs
that are free--so why shell out a $grand for something that WINBIN
has built right in ?? Carprom is more for exploratory work...

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Romans (ICQ#66838770) <romans@pacbell.net>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: April 12, 2000 10:45 PM
Subject: Re: Carprom vs. Promedit

>I have a friend who purchased carprom from AS&M and his statement was "Let
>the buyer beware"  It is a totally worthless program.  He showed it to me.
>All it has is the graphical interface,  that's it.  Any data you want other
>than that you will have to try to get from other suckers, oops I mean
>members of "Their" chatroom who may be nice enough to tell you what address
>something is at.
>My opinion, is it's totally worthless.  TOTALLY WORTHLESS!
>Use promedit or GMe Pro.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andrew K. Mattei <amattei@mindspring.com>
>To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
>Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 8:23 PM
>Subject: Carprom vs. Promedit
>>OK, I need some advice from the list.
>>I've got a friend who is considering purchasing Carprom from AS&M. He's
>>about to do it next week. I just looked over the AS&M web site and read
>>FAQ about Carprom, and it strikes me that it does the same thing as
>>with the graphing function. I've used Promedit, and it really grew on me
>>my TPI car. I really enjoyed the 3-d graph that Promedit has. Looking at
>>AS&M "graphs", my only question is, WTF is that?
>>Is this true? Anyone ever seen someone use Carprom? He wants to use it to
>>things like disable VATS, change fan turn on temperatures, etc. Will
>>make things easy for him, or will it simply lighten his wallet as opposed
>>Promedit? Even if he shells out the big bucks, will he end up hunting and
>>pecking for values, or is their user support group good enough to help him
>>out with finding the parameters he needs?
>>I'd like to be able to save him from making a large mistake if it's not an
>>extremely useful tool.

