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Re: Trouble with Pocket Programmer

I've found that the file type had to be set to binary for my chips to
program. I am also having trouble getting my emulator to work. It seems
that my emulator has some corrupted software or something. Sometimes
when I load the program I get some gibberish at the bottom of the screen
and I can't get my car to run properly off of it.
 If you got the polarity backwards like I did, (CSH's for EVERYONE!) :),
you smoked the 4401 transistor inside. I replaced mine with a 2N2222 and
it works great now.
If you enter 88 with the program running, there is a hidden test
program. You can use this program to check programming voltages. If the
4401 is gone, the voltages will all be ~11.5 volts.. no 21 or 25 volt
programming voltages. You can use the program to set the programming
voltages also with the pots inside.


> Jeff Kopp wrote:
> I've never got the same file twice when reading any of the chips with
> my new Pocket Programmer (P.P.).  I could read a chip then verify it
> to the file and it would never match.  Each time I do a check sum
> calculation on a chip it is different.  I have no idea for sure what
> is causing my problem.  I've tried the p.p. on my PII-300 laptop, my
> 286 laptop and my PII-350 PC.  It will not work correctly with any of
> them.  I did notice that the power supply I got with the unit is
> putting out about 14V D.C. on my multi-meter.  That is quite a bit
> higer than the 9V it's suppose to be putting out.  I'm gonna pick up a
> new P.S. at Radio Shack tomorrow and see what happens.  My best guess
> is either the high voltage is messing with the p.p. or the p.p. is
> already fried because of it.  If I don't have any luck, I'll get ahold
> of the place who built the p.p. (the company that builds it is only 15
> miles from me) and see what they have to say.  I thought maybe some of
> you may have some ideas.
> Thanks in advance!
> Jeff

Dan Smith      84 Regal   11.841@115.09     GSCA# 1459
St.Charles, Missouri 