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Re: Trouble with Pocket Programmer
Hi Jeff,
I have an adapter rigged up for my programmer. If a wire gets lose it does
pretty much what you're talking about. Ya might wanna try double (triple?)
checking your connections. I can't tell you how many times I've shot myself
in the foot with loose wires or bad solder jobs, etc.
>I've never got the same file twice when reading any of the chips with my
>new Pocket Programmer (P.P.). I could read a chip then verify it to the
>file and it would never match. Each time I do a check sum calculation on a
>chip it is different. I have no idea for sure what is causing my problem.
>I've tried the p.p. on my PII-300 laptop, my 286 laptop and my PII-350 PC.
>It will not work correctly with any of them. I did notice that the power
>supply I got with the unit is putting out about 14V D.C. on my multi-meter.
> That is quite a bit higer than the 9V it's suppose to be putting out.
>I'm gonna pick up a new P.S. at Radio Shack tomorrow and see what happens.
>My best guess is either the high voltage is messing with the p.p. or the
>p.p. is already fried because of it. If I don't have any luck, I'll get
>ahold of the place who built the p.p. (the company that builds it is only
>15 miles from me) and see what they have to say. I thought maybe some of
>you may have some ideas.
>Thanks in advance!