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leaky injectors??

I've had an inconsistent starting problem for a while that I'm trying
to track down... 87 TPI 5.0 sbc, v-8, SC, '730. For a long time I had
assumed it to be caused by the ecm starting data not tuned well to
this engine, but I did this test the other day....

With the engine idling, I pulled out the injector fuses (two of them). Of
course, the engine stop right away and I turned the key once or twice
to make sure it was out of gas. After an hour, and with the injector
fuses still removed, I turned the key again. This time the engine ran
for 2-3 seconds before stopping. This engine has the older cold start 
injector, but I pulled that out and repeated the test... the cold
start injector showed no signs of leaking and the engine still turned 
over several times after sitting for a while.

So, sound like a leaky injector(s)? Has anyone else ever tried this
experiment?  Is replacement the best fix?.....

Unless someone has a better idea, I'll pull the full rail/injectors and
pressurized the system looking for injector leaks. I had tested the
injectors a year and a half ago when I assembled the engine. They
looked fine then....

john gwynne