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Re: leaky injectors??

Get a Pressure Guage for the fuel rail.  Perferably one with a purge port.
Autozone for $39 fills the bill.
Presurize system and see how fast it leaks down.
Pinch the return line and the pump side so that the only way to pressure to
disapprear is thru leaking injectors.

Now to expand on that for testing injectors,
Build a litlle one shot injector firing devise.
Pressurize system to some x value,  hit the monostable say 5x and record the
Repeat this with each injector.
Instant "here's a plugged injector".

> I've had an inconsistent starting problem for a while that I'm trying
> to track down... 87 TPI 5.0 sbc, v-8, SC, '730. For a long time I had
> assumed it to be caused by the ecm starting data not tuned well to
> this engine, but I did this test the other day....
> With the engine idling, I pulled out the injector fuses (two of them). Of
> course, the engine stop right away and I turned the key once or twice
> to make sure it was out of gas. After an hour, and with the injector
> fuses still removed, I turned the key again. This time the engine ran
> for 2-3 seconds before stopping. This engine has the older cold start
> injector, but I pulled that out and repeated the test... the cold
> start injector showed no signs of leaking and the engine still turned
> over several times after sitting for a while.
> So, sound like a leaky injector(s)? Has anyone else ever tried this
> experiment?  Is replacement the best fix?.....
> Unless someone has a better idea, I'll pull the full rail/injectors and
> pressurized the system looking for injector leaks. I had tested the
> injectors a year and a half ago when I assembled the engine. They
> looked fine then....
> john gwynne
