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Re: somebody tell me what went wrong.
I found in the Digi-Key catalog something called EMI Suppression Ferrites
for ribbon cables. Does EMI stand for ElectroMagnetic Interference? If so
does anyone have any input on whether or not these would help? I remember
that a type of these things are at both ends of the video cable for my
monitor. They are obviously some sort of filter.
At 11:15 AM 5/2/00 -0400, you wrote:
> Keep the cable very short. I would look for shielded Ribbon
>cable. Look at the cable on your PB-10. you will note that
>they have a few capactors on the board right next to the ZIF
>socket. You need to Bypass the input voltages right by the
>chip. You need to put these capacitors as close to the chip
>as possible.
> Ken
>Craig Marcho wrote:
> >
> > I decided to buy a ZIF socket, and run a ribbon cable to my ECM to make
> > swapping eprom's easier. I buy a ZIF socket, board to mount it on, eprom
> > socket, dig out a 40-pin IDE hard drive ribbon cable and some 90
> degree and
> > straight headers. I use some copper wire to solder the ZIF to a 90 degree
> > header, both mounted on the board. I plug in the IDE cable to the
> header. On
> > the other end of the IDE cable, is a long header. I bend the pins at a 30
> > degree angle or so, and solder those to an eprom socket. I use my digital
> > multi-meter to check continuity between each pin, and also to verify that I
> > had the number one pin in the correct place from the ZIF to the socket. I
> > plug the socket into my ECM, and pop in an eprom on the ZIF. Car won't
> > start. (This is on an '85 Corvette with '870 ECM, btw). I come inside and
> > plug the socket into my PB-10 and read the eprom into buffer. It doesn't
> > match the bin that I programmed into the eprom in the ZIF socket. I notice
> > also that everytime I read the device into buffer, the checksum is
> different
> > each time. I unplug the eprom from my home-made ZIF and plug it into the
> > PB-10. Read into buffer, and everything is fine, it matches the bin that I
> > loaded into it, and each time I read the device into buffer, the
> checksum is
> > perfect. So, obviously something isn't right in my home-made ZIF socket
> > thing. I have checked with a digital multi-meter every pin from the ZIF to
> > the other end of the IDE cable, and they all match up, none of them
> touching
> > another or anything. Everything seems fine on the thing I made, but it
> > doesn't work. What am I missing here?