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RE: First chip ready
I was able to get the chips out using a pin punch. I just pushed the punch between
the eprom legs and the memcal, the solder has a very low yield strenght in shear.
Previously, you (trax) wrote:
{ >Don't try to save the chip. Cut it out leg by leg, then desolder the
{ >remnant of each leg.
{ Agreed. But, I'll modify this a little bit :-)
{ I was originally going to desolder the chip. Then I thought that with my
{ clumsy hands that I would screw something up. So, here is my plan...
{ 1) I bought a 34 pin Wire Wrap Male Protected header.
{ 2) I will cut off the last 6 pins (2 rows of 3).
{ 3) Insert the appropriate end of the Memcal into the header.
{ 4) Insert the wire wrap ends of the header into the programmer.
{ 5) Download the EPROM image and verify it.
{ 6) Cut of the EPROM from the Memcal
{ 7) Desolder the legs
{ 8) Solder a low profile ZIF into the memcal.
{ 9) Burn a new chip with the previous image (or the modified image).
{ 10) Put the new EPROM in the ZIF
{ 11) DONE!
{ Tim Siford
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