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Re: First chip ready
I'm probably the only one that does this, but here goes...I "desolder" by
a leg and using compressed air to blow the solder away. Just a quick puff
heating blows the leg clean. Then ever so gently, pry the leg away from the
joint with
a micro screwdriver tip --and gently pry the chip loose afterwards--reheat
as needed to remove the chip. Works every time for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Burkard <toddburkard@pcmc.com>
To: < <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: May 9, 2000 8:50 AM
Subject: First chip ready
>Well I got the first chip to try in the TPI327!! I know this sound stupid
but what is the Easiest way to unsolder the chip out of the Memcal? Is there
a good Cheap Iron from Radio Shack or something to get that will fit down in
the confined space? I am going to solder a socket in so I don't need to keep
doing this once I get the old prom out.