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Re: Benchtop ECU question
How are you getting the ecm to go quasi mode at idle?.
If you using diacom, maybe do a record "run", and reveiw it in the graph
> Got a 7749 ECU hooked up on the bench & have a question. This relates
> specifically to SyTy PROMs, but its probably a general case.
> When the PW gets small enough, the injector goes into Quasi-asynch mode -
> this is readily hear-able as a halving of the injector pulsing. Good so
> On tweaking (opening quickly) the pot used for Throttle Position Sensor,
> Accel Enrichment is heard in the injector as a brief doubling of the
> rate, but only rarely seen in the ALDL data stream as ms. values. Nothing
> consistant here. ????
> Any feedback? Thanks much - Barry