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Re: first chip done

My $.02 also...
Having just pulled a chip from a Memcal I can tell you the pins are only
tack soldered in place (1989 1227165) and come undone easily with a fine-tip
solder pen and solder wick.  Judging by how lightly they were soldered in
the pin-punch idea may just work as well.  If you solder, too much heat will
melt the plastic.  Extreme too much heat will damage the EPROM.  I just
pulled mine, replaced it with a ZIF, and successfully reinstalled (and the
car still runs!)  You may also find this helpful (again, for a 1989

1) If you use a ZIF socket, chances are the latches on the ECM connector
will interfere.  I removed one of my latches by pressing on it as to unlatch
it, but then pressing a LITTLE HARDER to pop it out of its hinge.  The latch
is undamaged and re-usable.

2) The metal cover also just barely fits (extra height of socket) and will
allow the screws to thread in.  This holds my EPROM and socket in place
since the socket is only a press-fit.  I couldn't get the tip of the iron in
to solder the socket.

Sorry for the length, but I finally have some practical experience in a
thread, and happy to contribute, even if it is stupid!!!
