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Injector duty cycle formula?

I was wondering if anyone finally figured out the duty cycle formula.

I would like to see what the current duty cycle on my injectors is.

My engine is a 4 cyl Quad4.  The injector are batch fire.  There are two
circuits (2 injectors on each)

Thanks for the help!  I would look back through all the messages,  but I
have not been subscribed at home and all the old messages are at work. 
We don't have a public archive of recent messages do we?

Here is some capture data from last night:


I can upload the actual data if that helps anyone?

How do things look?  Good?  Bad?

Rex Weatherford
92 Beretta GTZ 2.3/5-spd 110,000 Miles 14.807@91.79MPH
89 Beretta GT 2.8/auto 175,000 Miles   16.8@79MPH (stock, dad's now)
95 Grand Am GT 3100 (wife's car)
#22 GS Atlanta Region SCCA Solo II G-Stock