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Re: P&H Injector Interface
On Sat, 20 May 2000 15:29:53 -0400, Len sabatine <sabatine@epix.net>
> Look at a "Plug in Module" for a Ford EEC IV, avail from Hypertech
> Superchips Etc. [ Especially Speed Density Models sans Eprom].
> Keeping this logic in mind; Adapted to GM Connector Scheme.
> Make a Plugin Male/Female "Module" with Ala 1949 chip board fix
> with as required pin addressing. plug in stock harness connectors. Presto,
> Run multiple P&H injectors. Reduce Rube to mole hill.No muss , fuss.
> Step [2] Gather parts and Build a Proto for the ECM at hand. Specific ECM's
> will require specific wiring details to achieve desired end result.
Yeah, I think this has been suggested before, but two things I want to
(1) If you make a plug-in module like the above (if I understand
correctly), you place another two contacts inline for EVERY signal in
the connector.
(2) The above scheme would, as you say, require specific wiring for each
ECM connector layout difference.
Swapping pins out on a connector, and keeping everything else vanilla,
seems much more "no muss, no fuss" to me. Just me dos centavos.