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Re: P&H Injector Interface

> > A lot of electonics is already high up on
> > the engine in many cars; modules in dizzies have been near the heat for
> > some time, so have DIS modules, which are bolted right to the block in
> > many cases. Sure you don't put electrics near the heat unless there's a
> > compelling reason why, but it is manageable if need-be, just more of a
> > pain. Always tradeoffs.

And the DIS modules are about the most failure prone item on a GN.
Given 45 mins and some wire mine's going on the firewall where it's a tad
cooler, and that will reduce the vibration also.
Might eat plug wires more often, but they'r cheaper the modules

> You could always copy Chrysler, and have the intake airstream cool the
> electronics!.

And what a *success* the Lean Burns were
I think my record was replacing 5 "boards" in one day
> Neil
